Bible reading guides

The links below are for the Bible Reading Guides I posted in 2020 and 2021, following the Robert Murray M'Cheyne reading schedule. I've collected these posts by books of the Bible, and they can be downloaded (PDF) for your use. 


Reading guide for Genesis (PDF)

Reading guide for Exodus (PDF)

Reading guide for Leviticus (PDF)

Reading guide for Numbers (PDF)

Reading guide for Deuteronomy (PDF)

Reading guide for Joshua (PDF)

Reading guide for Judges & Ruth (PDF)

Reading guide for 1 & 2 Samuel (PDF)

Reading guide for Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (PDF)

Reading guide for Ecclesiastes (PDF)

Reading guide for the Gospel of Matthew (PDF)


And for those interested in my newsletters over the past two years, here are my Afterwords posts from 2022

And here are the Afterwords posts from 2023.


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