Teaching children

"Anyone who wants to live with children must first of all recognize his own incapacity for justice in the deepest sense. How difficult educating children is for us human beings, who are not free of sin, and what a responsibility! Only wise men and saints are fit to be educators. Our lips are unclean. Our dedication is not without reservation. Our truthfulness is broken. Our love is not perfect. Our kindness is not disinterested. We are not free of lovelessness, possessiveness, and selfishness. We are unjust. "So it is the child who leads us to the gospel. If we look at our task with the children, it is quite clear that in view of the holiness of the task, we are too sinful to bring up even one child. This recognition leads us to grace. Without the atmosphere of grace, no one can work with children. Only one who stands like a child before God can educate children, can live with children. "'You must become like children.' Like children, you must live in the presenc...