
Showing posts from January, 2023

finding God's will

I received a question from a friend about finding God's will for her life. I decided to write down everything I know about that topic, and it only came to a couple of pages. I'm sure she won't mind if I share it here... ON DIVINE GUIDANCE.  God has promised to be present with us and to lead us in paths of righteousness (Psalm 23:3). By the Holy Spirit whom Christ sent to indwell us (Rom 8:14; 2 Cor 3:18; Gal 5:16) he promises to guide us.  We should not think, however, that this primarily relates to such things as where we should live or what job we take or whom to marry. These are important decisions, and we should seek God’s wisdom on them. But primarily, the leading of the Spirit -- for the church, as well as the individual Christian -- is his leading us into righteousness and holiness, which is Christlikeness (Isa 30:20-22; Rom 8:10-17, 29; Gal 5:16; Heb 5:14).   BASIC PRINCIPLES  1) Be certain, above all, that God's will for you in Christ Jesus means living for his

classes begin January 19

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, part 2. This course will conclude an introduction to Christian doctrine. We will continue to explore the truths of Scripture and place them into a coherent biblical worldview. This semester we will address the following topics: the Person and Work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Church, and the Last Things.  We will use a seminar approach with readings and discussions. Texts will include the Bible and   Introducing Christian Doctrine by Millard Erickson.   It is not necessary to have completed the first semester in order to attend the second. New students are welcomed. Register via the form at the upper left-hand  corner of the home page.   DATES: THURSDAYS, JANUARY 19 – APRIL 27, 2022, with a scheduled break.   CLASS TIMES: 6:30 TO 7:45 pm.  LOCATION: Room 141 on the first floor of Blacksburg Christian Fellowship at 2300 N. Main Street in Blacksburg. Please use the front entrance of the building. The Hebrew class will meet in room 142. The Intro NT

why we love God's law

"Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day... Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble." (Psalm 119:97, 165 ESV) For many years of my younger Christian life, I thought that God's law was always in antithesis with God's grace. The writer of Psalm 119, however, sees God's law (Heb.,  תוֹרָה   t ôrāh , "instruction") in a more wholistic sense, as including God's words, statutes, precepts, promises, and life from God. And the psalmist, certainly a believer, loves -- really loves -- God's law. HOW CAN WE LOVE GOD'S LAW? But how can we "love" his law when we are not "under the law"? Didn't Paul say, "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law" (1 Cor 15:56)? And "The very commandment that promised life proved to be death to me" (Rom 7:10). Yet, as I read Psalm 119, I see a beautiful poem of love for the law of the Lord, even his commandments.